Monday, October 1, 2007

Yin Yang

Today I went from loathing my fellow man, which is unfortunately my natural state, to tearing up in admiration over the efforts of the same. This afternoon at lunch I read an article in the LAWeekly about blue whales that have been found in the past weeks washed up on shore. Their bodies had been broken in collisions with ships. The article raised the point as to how animals that can hear the ships coming for days in advance, under normal conditions, could possibly have come to such fate in such numbers. They also raised the point that the U.S. Navy had been testing it's Medium range sonar in the time around the Blue Whales migration. The sonar can blow their ear drums out, disorient them, or frighten them into surfacing too fast and dying of the bends - a particularly awful way to die from accounts that I've read. How is it possible that in a day and age when our primary enemy as a nation, at least as promoted by the Pentagon, President, and Press, we are shredding the ear drums of whales and any other sea mammal in range, in search of an enemy that doesn't exist. What countries on this planet how the know how, or resources to build silent super subs that could be in any way shape or form a threat to our nation? What collective madness and malice allows our nation and our species to undertake such unnecessary and regressive pursuits. I suspect its the work of several well connected men that stand to make a lot of money. But that situation makes it worse. This requires a conspiracy of individuals and how is it possible that a group of people can allow such things to happen. It would seem that the collective conscience would be stronger than an individual's, but it's not. At these time I truly hate American's and human kind in general.

Occassionally, however, this pall is lifted by accounts of human dignity and greatness. Reading a great book. Reading about acts of incredible kindness or bravery. I just watched another of The War episodes just thinking of the ridiculous bravery it must take to get through a single battle let alone an entire war. I wonder if I could possibly possess that quality? Don't think I'll ever find out.

Thursday, August 9, 2007